Shuffle the Cards to Reveal Your Past, Present, and Future, Erotic Tarot Reading.
Click each card turn it over and reveal its meaning below.

When the Ten of Wands Tarot Card appears in your spread, it can indicate a regret, burden, or oppressive feeling. This card can indicate a situation of feeling powerless or stuck, such as a relationship that is not going anywhere or a career that is not meeting its potential.
The Ten of Wands speaks to a feeling of being weighed down by a heavy load, with no escape in sight. This card often suggests that the querent is suffering from a lack of motivation, creativity, or ambition. It can also symbolize a need to take a break from the mundane day-to-day and explore deeper aspects of life.
In a sexual context, the Ten of Wands can represent feelings of regret for something that could have been. It can suggest a lack of energy or enthusiasm in the bedroom, or a fear of taking risks or exploring new possibilities. This card can also represent a situation of feeling trapped in a relationship, with no ability to move forward or explore other options.
In order to find release from the oppressive feeling of the Ten of Wands, it is important to recognize the need to take risks, to step outside of one’s comfort zone, and to explore new ways of expressing oneself. This card encourages us to take a break from our routines and explore the power of sexual exploration and self-discovery. By embracing our desires and pushing ourselves to explore new possibilities, we can find a sense of freedom and liberation that can help to alleviate the burden of the Ten of Wands.

The Hanged Man card is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic cards of the Tarot. Its erotic divinatory meaning can be foggy and complex, but it holds a special significance and power that has been highly sought after by many diviners and eroticists.
The Hanged Man card speaks of a period of transition and transformation. It denotes a period of surrendering to the unknown and embracing an unfamiliar course of action. It speaks of a willingness to accept the unknown and place yourself in a place of vulnerability and trust. This card is a reminder that nothing ever remains stagnant and that life is constantly changing and evolving.
The Hanged Man’s erotic divinatory meaning speaks of the power of surrender, and the pleasure that can be found in letting go of control and allowing yourself to be guided by external forces. It is a reminder that when we open ourselves to the unknown, we can find our true power and strength in our surrender.
The Hanged Man card is also a reminder that we can create our own destiny when we open ourselves to the unknown. By embracing the unknown, we can discover our hidden potential and unlock our innermost desires. The Hanged Man card speaks to the power of letting go and can open us up to a new found freedom and joy in our sexual relationships.
The Hanged Man card is a reminder to take risks and push our boundaries. It speaks to the power of letting go and embracing a sense of uncertainty. It is a reminder to be brave and to follow our hearts. This card encourages us to be unafraid to explore unknown paths and embrace change in our lives.
The Hanged Man card is a reminder to stay open to the mystery of life and to surrender to the unknown. Its erotic divinatory meaning speaks to the power of letting go and embracing the unknown. It is a reminder to take risks and explore the unknown, and to find our own power in our surrender.

The Nine of Wands symbolizes our connection to our wounds, and our ability to heal and move past them. This card speaks to our capacity to access our inner strength, persevere, and survive against all odds.
When this card appears in your tarot spread, it is asking us to take a look at our past, examine the wounds we carry, and consider how they may be affecting our lives. This card is a reminder that we must be willing to dive deep into our pain and learn how to heal it.
Erotically, the Nine of Wands speaks of our ability to move beyond our wounds and use them as a source of power and pleasure. This card invites us to explore our vulnerability and to tap into our own healing energy. It encourages us to take a stand for our desires and to take pleasure in the act of healing ourselves.
When we embrace our body’s wisdom and use our wounds as a source of power, we can use them to take ownership of our sexual desires, trust our intuition, and access a deeper level of pleasure. This card is a reminder to let go of the pain that we have been holding onto, and to come back to the present moment.
Ultimately, the Nine of Wands is a reminder that healing our wounds can be an incredibly powerful and erotic experience. We can use this card to open up to new possibilities and to explore our sexual power and pleasure.
Turn Over All Cards